kayak-canoe, physical education, education, integration, programAbstract
The introduction of everyday physical education resulted in significant changes in the teaching of the subject of physical education, which gave teachers new opportunities, the use of which brings a great responsibility to professionals dealing with physical education and physical culture, even at the local level (Gombocz, 2019). We examined the research initiatives aimed at this, the kayak-canoe education at the Tiszaparti Roman Catholic Primary School in Szolnok, the kayak-canoe program in Jászalsószentgyörgy, and the Katalin Kovács National Kayak-Canoe Academy. The programs aim to incorporate the basics of the sport into the curriculum. The purpose of the research is to get a realistic picture of the current situation of the sport as a result of the results obtained, since the schools were given the opportunity to use the possibilities of the alternative framework curriculum, which includes the subject Kayak-Canoe - water skills. The purpose of these sessions is for children to get to know the basics of water skills and water sports as widely as possible, to get as many close-to-nature experiences as possible, and to get to know a complex sport that can be performed outdoors, in a special environment, that satisfies many skill development. In order to do this, it is necessary for the student to become familiar with the movement material of the various sports and the role of these activities in the versatile physical, mental and spiritual development of the students. The sport of kayaking and canoeing can ensure that the child participates in an experience-rich training. Since several questions arose in the research, we used three questionnaires during the data collection, two for the students of the examined schools, and one for the physical educators teaching in the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county, and we conducted three interviews with the professionals involved in the school kayak-canoe education. During the school program, the developmental effects can take effect in a natural environment, with a relaxed atmosphere, and can be integrated into the child’s physical culture and personality. The inclusion of kayaking and canoeing in everyday physical education results in a very positive attitude on the part of both children and teachers.