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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Please submit manuscripts electronically in docx format via the journal's website after registration.
Manuscripts are proofread in a double-blind manner, i.e. both the proofreader and the author remain anonymous during the proofreading process. To ensure this, please do not include the name of the author on the submitted documents or in the file name!

References to literature should be prepared in accordance with Korall's note-taking regulations, which are attached below. In the case of links, the text (with italics, etc.) should not be formatted. In the case of announcements, we consider 0.5 pages (approx. 20,000 "n") and 1-1.5 pages (approx. 40-50,000 "n") as optimal for studies. We can only undertake the publication of images in particularly justified cases, consultation with the editors is required before publishing graphic representations.

Editing guide

Chapter 1: About footnotes

  • All references are short in the footnotes, both literary, source and archival references.
  • The notation of longer reviews (the criterion for which is to refer to at least five items) follows that of studies (short reference in the footnote, bibliography at the back). In the case of short ones, where a reference typically occurs only once and there are not many of them, all bibliographic information is included in the footnote, in accordance with the referenced bibliography. In this case, there is no bibliography at the back, but each footnote contains all bibliographic information.

1.1. Literary and published source references

  • Author year: page number; Author–Author year: page number; Author (ed./ed./Hg./dir.) year. In a list, there is a semicolon between them. The accumulation of punctuation marks is avoided in such cases, even in the case of quoting several pages from a work. Right at the end.

Nagy 1988: 23; Berger–Luckmann 1998: 104–105; Szabó (szerk.) 2008; Lüdtke (Hg.) 2010.

Kaba 1998: 36, 42, 56–78, 92, 182–192, 199.

  • The order of the footnotes is determined by the author. If the titles are not listed in order of importance in the footnote, they should be put in alphabetical or date order. There is no basic principle for this, the point is that the system should be uniform within the article.
  • In footnotes, the reference is enclosed in ( ) if several references are required within a single sentence (the period after the parenthesis). If the footnote consists only of a reference, the reference is given without ( ) and without "see".

... all the employees fled.
Cora 2013: 110–111.

  • The clause "see for example" remains if the author lists examples from several options, otherwise it should be avoided.
  • In the short reference in the footnote, next to the family name, the abbreviation of the first name is only included if there will be more than one person with the same family name among the referenced literature.

Benda K. 1972; Benda Gy. 1985.

  • Resolving female names with full surname:

Kovácsné Juhász Katalin 1988-as köteténél: Kovácsné Juhász 1988; míg Szabó Béláné 1990-es köteténél: Szabóné 1990.

  • If an author is included in the references with more than one work in the same year, we distinguish between them with letters abc. When referring to several works of the same author, the name is given only at the first occurrence.

Tomka 2001a, 2001b; Valuch 2001, 2013.

  • In short footnote references to multi-volume works, the volume number is in Roman numerals:

Braudel 2003: II. 35.

  • References to individual volumes of works published in several volumes and over several years:

Ortvay 1892–1903: I. 76.

  • For works with more than three authors, only the first author is given in the short reference in the footnote, the others as "et al." replaces:

Kovács et al. (ed.) 2009.

  • For republished works:

Kempelen 1999 [1937]: 25.

  • A short article published in a press product, the author of which is unknown (there is no comma after the journal title!):

Népszava 1956. szeptember 3. 4.

  • Censuses are cited with the year of the census, the entire reference is in italics:

Census 1930.

1.2. The archival source links

  • In the case of archival references, the official abbreviation of the archive must first be entered in the footnote, as well as the designation of the document material; when referring to a specific document, the title and date of the referenced document must also be given!
  • The abbreviation has changed for the archives included under the Hungarian National Archives.

Vas Megyei Levéltár = MNL VaML
[Vas County Archives = MNL VaML]

  • After the abbreviation of the archive, there is no punctuation mark, no comma, no period, nothing.
  • For a general reference (e.g. what the author researched), it is sufficient to use the so-called enter a master number, this includes the main fund group number (Roman number), the fund number (Arabic number) and the letter of the composition (lower case). A period must be placed at the end of the serial number or between its elements, there are no spaces between the elements!

MNL VaML IV.401.b.

  • In the case of an exact document reference, the specific indication of the document material must be left with a space after the reference number, which can take quite a variety of forms. In the case of the most frequently referenced public administrative documents, it is usually file number/year. You must then enter the title and date of creation of the referenced document (we write the month name!).

MNL VaML IV.401.b. 12 365/1940. Council meeting minutes, 12 June 1940;
MNL OL M-KS 276-52. Decision of the KV of the MDP on the member revision, October 2, 1948.

  • Since the archival sources are quite diverse, it is difficult to specify a uniform scheme, the system can be managed flexibly. The system of the National Archives, e.g. differs from that of other regional archives, but the system of professional and university archives may differ from the system of regional archives.
  • A semicolon is also used to separate individual items when listing archival sources.
  • For manuscript sources, we proceed in a similar way to archival sources.

PIM V.4721/32. Béni Ferenczy's letter to Anna Hajnal, February 16, 1956.

Chapter 2: At the end of the study

References that can be read in abbreviated format in footnotes are resolved in the list at the end of the article. This has two categories: Sources and Referenced literature.


2.1. Sources

After the study, after the "Resources" internal title, the archival sources used are listed first, in alphabetical order according to the name of the archives. This is where archive abbreviations are resolved. Foreign archives are always listed by their original name, in their case the name of the city where the archive is located must also be entered. In the line below the name of the archive, the name and year of the referenced archive fund or composition must be correctly resolved. Individual documents do not need to be repeated here! This must be entered on the basis of the holding list of the given archive, and can be checked on the basis of it.

Hungarian National Archives Vas County Archives (MNL VaML)

IV.401.b. Documents of the Vice-Chancellor of Vas County, 1871–1950.

                      Hungarian National Archives Vas County Archives (MNL VaML)

                                    IV.401.b. Documents of the Vice-Chancellor of Vas County, 1871–1950.

                        Österreichisches Staatsarchiv Kriegsarchiv, Wien (ÖStA KA)

                                    Alte Feldakten (AFA).

  • In the case of early, collectible funds and collections spanning several centuries, where the year is not necessary for the exact identification of the item, the year may be omitted:

National Archives of the Hungarian National Archives (MNL OL)

E 142 Acta publica.

  • Manuscripts kept in public collections (manuscript, map, data, and document repositories) follow, separated from the archival sources by a line break - also in the order of the names of the institutions. This also includes audiovisual sources.

Manuscript Collection of the National Széchényi Library (OSZK Kt.)

551. Katádfay Tihamér: egnagyszerűbb gondolataim [My greatest thoughts]. Manuscript, without a year.

Petőfi Literary Museum Manuscript. (PIM)

V.4721/32. Dawn Anna legacy.

  • Then there are the "source type" printed publications. These include source publications, diaries, reminiscences, memoirs, statistics, locality directories and published maps. For published sources, the reference does not differ from that of "cited literature", i.e. if the author is known, the author's name is cited. We also cite the author's name if the volume has an editor. If the author is not known, the name of the editor or compiler of the source publication is cited. Ancient authors are considered sources.

Fényes Elek 1851: Magyarország geographiai szótára. Mellyben minden város, falu és puszta betürendben körülményesen leirati. [Geographical dictionary of Hungary. In which every city, village and plain is described in a circumstantial manner]. Kozma Vazul, Pest.

Károly Francsics 2001: Francsics Károly visszaemlékezései [Reminiscences of Károly Francsics]. (arranged for the press and ed. József Hudi.) Pápai Református Gyűjtemény, Pápa.

Lajos Haan - Mihály Zsilinszky (ed.) 1877: Békésmegyei oklevéltár számos hazánk beltörténetére vonatkozó adatokkal. [Békésmegyei deed archive with many data on the internal history of our country]. Tettey, Budapest.

  • Typically, in the case of medieval and early modern document collections (document archives, document archives, "parliamentary memories"), we keep the abbreviated names accepted by the profession. These are checked by the editor.

EOE XII = Sándor Szilágyi (ed.): Erdélyi országgyűlési emlékek történeti bevezetésekkel. [Transylvanian Parliament memories with historical introductions]. Vol. 12 1658–1661. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest, 1887.

  • In the case of censuses, the term census and its year (!) are displayed in italics in the footnote, while the year of publication is indicated only at the end of the reference.

Népszámlálás [Census] 1930: Az 1930. évi népszámlálás. [The 1930 census.] Magyar Királyi Központi Statisztikai Hivatal, Budapest, 1935.

  • Then the used periodicals (not cited only for one article) are unlocked, in the format below. Unlike the footnote, here there is a comma after the title of the journal.

Nemzeti Sport [National Sport], 1925–1935.

  • Then come the movie references in the following format:

Ajándék ez a nap [This day is a gift] (dir.: Péter Gothár, 1979).

  • Finally, the used interviews are unlocked, indicating the location:

Interview with orienteer Ferenc Nagy on February 12, 1983, by Rezső Debreceni. (Owned by the author.)

2.2. Referenced literature

  • The list of cited literature follows the sources used, in alphabetical order. Only sources referenced in the footnotes may be included here. Each item ends with a period. Not only the titles are italicized, but also the period at the end of the title!
  • In the case of a name with a prefix, if it is not a title (dr., count, etc.), then the letter of the prefix is followed by the name of the author, e.g. Zsolté K. Horváth for "K", but e.g. Gr. István Széchenyi to "Sz"! Doctoral and noble titles are not displayed!
  • Reference of writing without author: N. N. 1925.
  • For works with multiple authors/editors, the names of all authors/editors must be listed in the bibliography!
  • There is always a period between the title and subtitle. A colon can only be used if it is visible on the publication itself.
  • Display of series, no comma before the serial number. Series and volume number should be written in Arabic numerals, Roman numerals may only be used as a short reference in source publications (see EOE XII. among sources)
  • For works by multiple authors or editors, the names do not stick to the long hyphen. (But they do stick in footnotes!) In the same way, in the case of items with multiple places of publication or publishers, the individual places and publishers do not stick to the hyphen.

Dániel Bárth 2010: Benedikció és exorcizmus a kora újkori Magyarországon. [Benediction and exorcism in early modern Hungary]. L'Harmattan - PTE Néprajz-Kulturális Antropológia Tanszék, Budapest - Pécs.

2.2.1. Volumes

Ágnes Botond 1991: Pszichohistória – avagy a lélek történetiségének tudománya [Psychohistory - or the science of the historicity of the soul]. Budapest.

Károly Baross, Bellusi (ed.) 1893: Magyarország földbirtokosai. [Landowners of Hungary]. Budapest.

  • For multi-volume works, the bibliography reference to one of the volumes:

Braudel, Fernand 2003: Franciaország identitása. [The Identity of France]. II. volume. Helikon, Budapest.

  • References to works published in several volumes and over several years in the bibliography:

Ortvay Tivadar 1892–1903: Pozsony város története [History of the City of Bratislava]. Volume I (1892), II/1. volume (1895), II/2. volume (1898), II/3. volume (1900), II/4. volume (1903), III. volume (1894). Bratislava.


  • It is not necessary to indicate publishers, but if it is included in a referenced list, then it must be in every item, before the place of publication.

Heather, Peter - Matthews, John 1991: The Goths in the Fourth Century. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool.

  • If a contributor (translator/editor) who contributed to the creation of the volume contributed to its content, their role must be indicated in parentheses after the title, with a period inside the parenthesis at the end. All relevant contributors must be listed!

Montesquieu 2000 [1748]: A törvények szelleméről. [On the Spirit of Laws]. (Trans. Pál Sebestyén.) Osiris – Attractor, Budapest.

Weber, Max 1967 [1922]: Gazdaság és társadalom. [Economy and Society]. Volume 1. (Edited by Iván Varga – György Ádám, translated by Péter Józsa.) Economic and Legal, Budapest.

  • For uncertain or doubtful data, the part in question with a question mark in []:

Gyula Schweickhardt Jr. n. [198?]: Milyen hatással volt városomra az I. világháború? [What effect did World War I have on my city?] Gyula Schweickhardt, Miskolc.

  • In the case of republished works, the year of the original publication should be included in []:

Béla Kempelen 1999 [1937]: Magyar zsidó családok. [Hungarian Jewish families]. Budapest.

  • DOI reference:

Stark, David - Vedres, Balázs 2012: Political Holes in the Economy The Business Network of Partisan Firms in Hungary. American Sociological Review (77) 5. 700–722. DOI: 10.1177/0003122412453921.

2.2.2. Study volume

József Hudi 1997: Veszprém vármegye nemessége 1812-ben. [The nobility of Veszprém County in 1812]. In: Imre Ódor – Béla Pálmány – Imre Takács (ed.): Mágnások, birtokosok, címerlevelesek. [Magnates, holders, bearers of coats of arms.] (Rendi társadalom – polgári társadalom 9.) [(Regular society – civil society 9.)] Debrecen, 219–227.

  • When referencing publications in foreign languages, the original language is indicated by the ed., transl. etc. and also the place of issue. For example, German editor (Hg.), multiple editors (Hgg.), English editor (ed.), multiple editors (eds) is the expected abbreviation. There is a point in all cases except the last one.

Schlumbohm, Jürgen 1992: Sozialstruktur und Fortpflanzung bei der ländlichen Bevölkerung Deutschlands im 18. und 19. Jh. In: Voland, Eckart (Hg.): Fortpflanzung: Natur und Kultur im Wechselspiegel. Frankfurt am Main, pp. 322–346.


2.2.3. Journals

  • Yearbooks and non-annual periodicals are cited according to the journal standard.
  • We never abbreviate the names of journals.
  • The title of the journal is always italicized after the title, followed by no comma, year in parentheses, followed by the volume number (if relevant), then the page number. The volume number does not have to be indicated in those cases when the entire year of the journal is published with continuous page numbering.

Panni Láng 1986: Egy budapesti polgárcsalád mindennapjai. [The everyday life of a bourgeois family in Budapest]. Történelmi Szemle (29.) 1. 80–94.

Borián Elréd 2000: Lippay érsek és Zrínyi Miklós politikai vitája a jezsuita történetíró, Kazy Ferenc alapján [The political debate between Archbishop Lippay and Miklós Zrínyi based on the Jesuit historian Ferenc Kazy]. Századok (134.) 913–931.

  • If the journal article is a text edition and there are contributors other than the author to be indicated, then it is indicated in brackets (within a period) after the title, analogously to the indication for volumes.

Thomas, Albert 2014: Utazások Bécs – Budapest – Belgrade – Athen. Napi jegyzetek. (Editor, trans., notes. Zsombor Bódy.) Aetas (29.) 3. 152–170.

2.2.4. Others

  • We refer to Lexicon articles as follows, but more important articles according to the author of the article!

'Corals' article. In:Révai Új Lexikona [Révai's New Lexicon]. Volume 12, Budapest, 1915. 26.

  • An individual article published in a daily newspaper is only referred to separately if a specific newspaper is not the basis of the analysis (in that case, the full description of the newspaper article must be provided in the footnote, and the name of the newspaper and the period examined are included in the list of sources at the back).

Ottó Szőnyi 1926: A pécsi püspökség templomai. [The churches of the Pécs diocese]. Dunántúl 926. december 25. 18.

  • Dissertation/thesis reference

Nagy Piroska 2000: Településszerkezet az Alföldön [Settlement structure in the Great Plains]. (PhD dissertation.) Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.

  • Reference of published, published or manuscript publication accepted for publication:

Ágnes Kiss-Nagy 2028: További érvek a kettős struktúra elmélete ellen. [Further arguments against the dual structure theory] Korall (before release).

  • When referring to an Internet page, the download date is always included. In the case of articles that are also available on the internet but also published on paper, the paper version always takes precedence, its data must be provided in full!

Konrad, Felix 2010: Von der “Türkengefahr” zu Exotismus und Orientalismus: Der Islam als Antithese Europas (1453–1914). EGO Europäische Geschichte Online - last downloaded: March 9, 2019


Chapter 3: Others


  • P., pp., vol. cannot be used. abbreviations!
  • The "ibid." can only be used in a footnote if the reference would be repeated within a footnote. It cannot be used for consecutive footnotes.
  • A quote within a quote must be enclosed in »« signs!
    Quotations shorter than one sentence can be used in the main text, but quotations longer than three lines are indented and marked with a smaller font size. Interspersed quotations are avoided whenever possible.
  • Place the omissions in the source communication between […]. Example: "[A]ccording to the defendant [Béláné Tóth]."
  • The format of comments made by the author or translator is: (The Author) (The Trans.) (Emphasis by X. Y.).
  • For parentheses within parentheses, use square brackets!
  • The % sign is always attached to the number!
  • A non-breaking space (CTRL SHIFT SPACE) is added from 10,000 to the thousands.
  • All titles are italicized in the main text. But the suffixes belonging to the address (e.g. from the West) are no longer there.
  • We also italicize author highlights, where the entire word will be in italics.
  • Avoid using quotation marks in all situations where they do not indicate a quotation!
  • There is no colon after see, except See also: or See for example:
  • Laws are referred to by Arabic numbers: 1872: 32. tc.
  • In a review, we refer to the page numbers of the reviewed book in the text, in parentheses, without periods.
  • A study title can be linked to a maximum of starred footnotes, numbered footnotes begin with the main text.
  • The Introduction / Introductory chapter headings should be deleted from the studies, and the Summary chapter heading can only remain if it is preceded by a multi-page summary. If the author wants to separate a conclusion of a few paragraphs, then separate it with *** after a line is skipped, and then with another line.


3.1. Necessary accessories and formal principles of figures and pictures

  • Figures and tables should have a sequence number and genre designation (enclosed to the right, vertical) + title (enclosed in the middle, in italics) + a source link below (enclosed to the left, Source designation in italics, description in vertical, period at the end):

It's title

Source: description standing.

  • In the case of a picture or photo, the serial number is listed under the picture/photo. genre. Title (in italics) closed to the left, and directly below the Source (in italics): a dot at the end of the source description (vertical).
    1. image. It's title
    Source: description standing
  • When referencing in text, refer to the figure/image/table between two sentences as follows: (Image 1)


3.2. Customer requests

  • Do not include tabs in the documents to be sent to the shredder.
  • In the text, the title of the first rank should be written in red, the title of the second rank in blue, and the titles "Literature cited" + "Sources" should be written in green.

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The names and email addresses given to the journal will only be used by the East-Central European Historical Studies journal and will not be passed on to third parties for other purposes.