Egy öntörvényű, politizáló munkás a 20. századi ózdi gyári társadalomban

Fejezetek Antalköz József történetéből


  • NAGY Péter
  • VALUCH Tibor



labour history, analytical life story, identity, personal history, political behaviour


A Self-righteous, Politicising Worker in the 20th Century Factory Society of Ózd. Chapters from the Story of József Antalköz. In the modernising Hungarian society of the 20th century, the social and political importance and role of the factory worker steadily increased. Becoming a worker, being a worker, came to be a mass social experience. It is a fascinating historiographical question how the historical reality of this social group can be researched, analysed and interpreted as accurately and in detail as possible. Instead of and in addition to a macro-historical approach, in-depth life and family history analysis offers the possibility of reconstructing the lives of individuals who made up the ‘mass’ by tracing the individual actors as far as this is possible, and also by attempting to examine individual strategies of living, working and prevailing, from a kind of specific under-view. With this in mind, the study examines the life story of an average worker from a multi-generational family of factory workers in Ózd who, through his public and political activities and interests, became from time to time the voice of factory society. Among other things, the paper seeks to answer the question of what his motivation was/might have been, how and why he became/might have become a well-known figure not only in factory society but also in public life in Ózd. What is unique and characteristic about his career in the factory society of 20th century Ózd? How does the analysis of his career help to interpret the political behaviour of industrial workers of the time?




Hogyan kell idézni

Nagy, Péter, és Tibor Valuch. „gy öntörvényű, politizáló munkás a 20. zázadi ózdi gyári társadalomban: ejezetek Antalköz József történetéből”. Kelet-Közép-Európai Történelmi Tanulmányok 1, no. 2 (április 22, 2024): 27–49. lérés december 22, 2024.