
Bejelentkezés vagy Regisztráció a beküldéshez.

Ellenőrzőlista a benyújtás előkészítéséhez

A benyújtási folyamat része, hogy a szerzők ellenőrizzék le a benyújtandó anyaguk mindenben megfelel az alábbi listában szereplő elvárásoknak, és azokat a beadványokat, amelyek nem tartják be a az útmutatóban leírtakat, azokat vissza lehet küldeni a szerzőnek.
  • A beküldött anyag nem lett korábban publikálva, és megelőzően egy másik folyóiratnál sem lett lektorálva (bővebb magyarázatot lásd a Megjegyzések a szerkesztőnek résznél).
  • A beküldési állománya OpenOffice, Microsoft Word vagy RTF document fájlformátumban van.
  • Ahol rendelkezésre állt, a hivatkozásokhoz az URL megadásra kerültek.
  • A szöveg szimpla sorköz szerkezetű, 12-es betűméretet használ. Dölt szövegezést használ aláhúzás helyett (kívétel az URL címek), és az összes illusztráció, ábra és táblázat a szövegtörzs megfelelő szakaszában található és nem a dokumentum végén.
  • A szöveg betartja, és megfelel a Szerzői Útmutatóban felvázolt stílus- és bibliográfiai követelményeknek.

Szerzői útmutatók

Submission of a manuscript to Acta Biologica Plantarum Agriensis automatically involves the assurance that it has not been published and will not be published elsewhere in the same form. Please, present the work concisely and clearly in English. Since poorly-written material will not be considered for publication therefore we recommend that you ask a native English lector to read over your manuscript before submission. There are no explicit length limitations: a normal research article will occupy 4-12 pages; reviews might be considerably longer.

All papers are peer-reviewed by two reviewers. For rapid reviewing, we encourage lectors to send in their reports by e-mail.

Authors should submit the manuscript only (text, tables and figures) electronically as an e-mail attachment. 

Preparation of the manuscript

Page 1

Title page: Complete title, name of each author where the work was done; mailing address, phone, fax, and e-mail of the corresponding author; an abridged title of no more than 50 characters without spaces; keywords (no more than six).

  • Title:
    Make the title concise and informative, it should contain the main keywords. If a botanical name is included you should use italic letters and also mention the authority.
  • Authors:
    You should include first name, initial and surnames for each authors and current mailing address for each. Provide e-mail address, facsimile and phone number in the case of corresponding author.

Page 2

Abstract: no more than 200 words. State the scope of the work and principal findings. Scientific name of plants here should not be accompanied by their authority. References in abstract should not be included.

Abbreviations used: The following terms are accepted and do not require explanation in the text of "abbreviations used": ADP, ATP, C3, C4, CAM, DNA, HPLC, NAD, NADH, NADP, NADPH, PS I, PS II, Rubisco.
In taxonomic text herbaria should be abbreviated according to the acronyms given in Index Herbariorum. Abbreviations of plant author names must follow Brummitt, R.K. & Powell, C.E. (1992), Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Plant names must conform to the actual International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Citation of specimens should be selected, one or two per geographic units. Full distribution can be done on maps. Molecular sequence data must be made available from a public database associated to vaucher specimens in publicly available herbaria, with the collector’s name and collecting number.

Beginning on page 3

Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, Figure Legends, Figures.
The introduction should not exceed what is necessary to indicate the reason of the work and its essential scientific background, and the discussion should explain the significance of the results in connection with the international literature of the field. Results and discussion is also allowed.


In the text references should be cited chronologically; do not number them e.g. (Cornic 2000); (Tezara et al. 1999; Delfine et al. 2001; Lawlor and Cornic 2002; Centritto et al. 2003; Chaves et al. 2003). Where the same author has more than one publication in a year, lower case letters should be used (e.g. 1999a, 1999b, etc.). At the end of the paper, list the references in alphabetical order.


Darkó, É., Váradi, G., Dulai, S., & Lehoczki, E. (1996). Atrazine-resistant biotypes of Conyza canadensis have altered fluorescence quenching and xanthophyll cycle pattern. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 34: 843-852.

Dulai, S., Molnár, I., & Lehoczki, E. (1995). Heat-induced modulated chlorophyll a fluorescence changes in atrazine resistant and susceptible biotypes of Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. In P. Mathis (ed.): Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere. Vol. IV: 921-924. Kluwer, Dordrecht.

Please be sure that all cited references in the text are listed and vice versa.

Mathematical formulae, statistical analysis, units

Please avoid two-line mathematical expression in the running text and display each long formula on a new separate row.

You should describe the experimental design in sufficient detail to allow them evaluated. Please give the number of individuals, means and measures of variability. Give clearly whether you have used the standard deviation or the standard error of mean.

Please use the SI system where appropriate. However, non-SI units (e.g. day, year) are also acceptable. Photon flux density units are also acceptable for quantum efficiency of plant photo-processes. Do not use luminous flux density units (e.g. lux). The negative index system should be used (e.g. mol m-2 s-1, kg ha-1, etc.)

Chemical and enzyme nomenclature, instruments

The manufacturer’s name and location should be given in parentheses for reagents and instruments. Sources for all antibodies and nucleotide sequences should be indicated.

You should follow the recommendations of the IUPAC-IUB Commission on the Biochemical Nomenclature for naming compounds and the recommendation of the Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry on the Nomenclature and Classification of Enzymes as published in “Enzyme Nomenclature” (Academic Press: San Diego, 1992) for naming enzymes.


Please refer to every Figure, Map, or other illustration in the text. Number each with an Arabic numeral. Material in the legend should not be duplicated and methods should not be described. The first illustration in the text should be referred to as Fig. 1, Map 1, Photo 1, and so on. Using illustrations published by other authors can be applied only on the basis of the permission of the original publisher.


Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. A brief title should be included above the table. Avoid long titles by incorporating an explanatory note in the head note, which should be started on a new separate line below the title. Fore preparing the tables please use tabs (not spaces or hard returns) or prepare the tables in Microsoft Word format using Table Formatting (i.e. use table cells).

Proofs and reprints

Proofs will be sent in electronically to the corresponding authors in pdf format for checking prior to publication. Proofs should be checked and returned by e-mail as soon as possible after the checking.
Reprints are not provided. The published article will be sent to the authors as a pdf file.

Adatvédelmi nyilatkozat

A folyóiratnál megadott nevek és email címek kizárólag a folyóiratnál ismertetett céllal lesznek felhasználva. Egyéb célokra, harmadik félnek nem kerülnek átadásra.